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Welcome to
jomacoma OÜ

Your professional Online Agency in Tallin

jomacoma is an Online Agency based in Tallinn, Estonia. We are a team of professionals ready to help you with web programming, server management and visual design services. You have a chance of using the experience accumulated by our team and join the hundreds of satisfied customers whose tasks we fulfilled.

What you get entrusting us with your order: understanding, quality, speed. That means:


We know exactly what you need to solve your problem

We are skilled to implement the solution

We will do it sooner than you hope

Web programming

“If you are not online, you do not exist.”
Landing page for your newest product, new corporate website, online shop, online dating platform, online database. There are dozens more ways to announce your existence to the world, we are ready to help you find your true way. Whatever people look for, they start with web search and find all our clients as their businesses are enhanced with modern online technologies which make buying from them so much easier and faster. That is why we strongly recommend to establish, enhance and maintain your business online presence by allocating necessary resources and contracting adequate partners. Online presence is one of the critical success factors of the 21st century, and this is a long term factor meaning that investments in this asset are going to be meaningful for several upcoming decades. More and more businesses discover that online platforms function not only as visit cards, but more often than not as a separate marketing channel that attracts clients and allows them to make rational choices based on information you provide them with.
Online presence involves security issues. We are glad to assure you that your security is one of our highest priorities. All products we design are protected by latest technologies that allow you and your customers to stay safe and confident while using all privileges provided by online space. Every technology, platform or framework we use takes safety regulations in consideration. For additional information contact us.

Our team can create any web product you might need: from a landing page to a fully functioning online shop. You will get an online solution that meets all modern standards and needs minimal technical support (if any). Contact us to discuss your order and we will find the best solution as soon as possible.

Server Management

Companies increasingly prefer to maintain their own servers rather than pay the bills to numerous service providers. Even small businesses need servers these days. Why? Because the free space is limited and out of your control. With your own server you do not have to open additional shabby accounts like when space on the first one has run out or cry over lost client contacts when Free-Email-Provider loses your data. You know exactly when, where and how, because with a server you own or rent these data are yours, 24/7 under your control.

Company server stores all data your company generates and keep online or offline: corporate website, emails of all employees, whole intranet, customer databases, working files in a private cloud service available only with your permission.

Own server – rented or bought – is a clever choice made by companies looking into the future and investing in it. Being a valuable asset, servers become more and more popular option for multiple IT solutions in any business aimed at sustainable growth.

But a server by itself is like a car without engine it goes nowhere. You have to buy software, install systems, monitor the parameters… Server management is a separate discipline with own stars, rules, blocks and heros. You have no need to study it all – just trust us, and our team will cover it for you. Whatever happens to your server, be sure that we can handle it. Setup and configuration of necessary software, updating the system, monitoring existing apps, overall administration of your servers – for you we will do this and much more. With us managing your servers, you have no necessity to follow trends, choose software or deal with multiple suppliers. You set a goal – we achieve it for you, as simple as that.

Contact our manager to launch the project today!

Design (Web, CI, all you need)

A website bringing value to the company is to meet a number of criteria. It is to be fully functional, but easy-to-use. It must contain the very information your clients are looking for (and, ideally, no other information). It must be simple to navigate and quick to work. The texts are to be clear, relevant and logical, SEO adapted. A bunch of things that you do not need to think about if you delegate them to us. Every minor detail will be taken care of, every nuance thought through.

Impression of the website = impression of the company

Company’s website is it’s face. It reflects everything that constitutes the company and all business processes. Whatever happens inside the organization must find its place on the website, otherwise only insiders will be in the know. But how to structure all this information? Which information should be on the website and which shouldn’t? What color scheme to choose? How many buttons are needed on every page? These and other questions do not need to be answered by you, they will be answered by our designers as this is exactly their area of responsibility.
Only the newest technologies and trends are applied in our products inspiring you and your clients to live, work and achieve new heights. Quickest engines, best design, most efficient solutions – that is what our team uses to get the result you will love. Hundreds of clients already enjoy results of our work – join them, let us make your dreams come true.
In our agency you will find all solutions to make your website look magnificent and meet your expectations in terms of functionality, speed, attractiveness and traffic conversion. After a brief consultation we will present you THE website of your dream – contact us now to start the work!